- Statut : Released
- Date de sortie du film : 1994-07-22
- Titre original : North
- Slogan : A family comedy that appeals to the child in everyone.
- Film Genre : Comedy- Drama- Fantasy- Science Fiction- Family-
- Langues parl�es : English
- Classement des films :
- Soci�t�s de Production : Castle Rock Entertainment
- Nombre de Vote : 5
- Film d'ex�cution : 87
- Moyenne vote : 6.7
- Youtube Id :
- North Film Complet Gratuit Moulages de film :
- Elijah Wood Character (North)
- Jason Alexander Character (North's Dad)
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus Character (North's Mom)
- Jon Lovitz Character (Arthur Belt)
- Bruce Willis Character (Narrator)
- Alan Arkin Character (Judge Buckle)
- Dan Aykroyd Character (Pa Tex)
- Reba McEntire Character (Ma Tex)
- Graham Greene Character (Alaskan Dad)
- Kathy Bates Character (Alaskan Mom)
- Alan Rachins Character (Defense Attorney)
- Abe Vigoda Character (Alaskan Grandpa)
- Alexander Godunov Character (Amish Dad)
- Kelly McGillis Character (Amish Mom)
- Faith Ford Character (Donna Nelson)
- John Ritter Character (Ward Nelson)
- Scarlett Johansson Character (Laura Nelson)
- Keone Young Character (Governor Ho)
- Lauren Tom Character (Mrs. Ho)
- Richard Belzer Character (Barker)
- Rosalind Chao Character (Chinese Mom)
- George Cheung Character (Chinese Barber)
- Ayo Adejugbe Character (African Dad)
- Darwyn Carson Character (African Mom)
- Jesse Zeigler Character (Bud Nelson)
- Matthew McCurley Character (Winchell)
- Tyler Gurciullo Character (Stewart)
- Robert Costanzo Character (Al)
- Ben Stein Character (Curator)
- Maud Winchester Character (Stewart's Mom)
- Fritz Sperberg Character (Stewart's Dad)
- Jussie Smollett Character (Adam)
- Glenn Walker Harris Jr. Character (Jeffrey Smith)
- Ryan O'Neill Character (Andy Wilson)
- Tony T. Johnson Character (Steve Johnson)
- Audrey Klebahn Character (Secretary)
- Philip Levy Character (Panhandler)
- Dan Grimaldi Character (Hot-Dog Vendor)
- Marvin Braverman Character (Waiter)
- Wendle Josepher Character (Ticket Agent)
- Carmela Rappazzo Character (Receptionist)
- Jordan Jacobson Character (Vice President)
- James F. Dean Character (Dad Smith)
- Nancy Nichols Character (Mom Jones)
- Kim Delgado Character (Dad Johnson)
- Mitchell Group Character (Dad Wilson)
- Chuck Cooper Character (Umpire)
- Peg Shirley Character (Teacher)
- Alana Austin Character (Sarah)
- Taylor Fry Character (Zoe)
- Alan Zweibel Character (Coach)
- Donavon Dietz Character (Assistant Coach)
- Lucy Lin Character (Female Newscaster)
- Marla Frees Character (D.C. Reporter)
- Robert Rigamonti Character (D.C. Reporter)
- Brian Levinson Character (Kid At Airport)
North Synopsis:
En streaming North Eleven-year-old North has had it with his parents North Film Complet Gratuit. They are always busy with their careers and don't give North the attention he needs, so he files a lawsuit against them North Film Complet Gratuit. The judge rules that North should either find new parents or return to his own parents within two months North Film Complet Gratuit. Thus north starts off on an hilarious journey around the world to find the parents that really care about him. North
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Rob Reiner Job as : Director, Alan Zweibel Job as : Novel, Alan Zweibel Job as : Screenplay, Andrew Scheinman Job as : Screenplay, Marc Shaiman Job as : Original Music Composer, Adam Greenberg Job as : Director of Photography, Robert Leighton Job as : Editor, Janet Hirshenson Job as : Casting, Jane Jenkins Job as : Casting, J. Michael Riva Job as : Production Design, Gloria Gresham Job as : Costume Design, David F. Klassen Job as : Art Direction, Michael Taylor Job as : Set Decoration, Rob Reiner Job as : Producer, Alan Zweibel Job as : Producer, Andrew Scheinman Job as : Executive Producer, Jeffrey Stott Job as : Executive Producer, Bruce McBroom Job as : Still Photographer,
US : Release Date 1994-07-22 Regarder North Film Complet.
Tag: en ligne North Film - Comedy- Drama- Fantasy- Science Fiction- Family- Film gratuit T�l�chargement - North complet Film gratuit - North complet Film Regarder en ligne - North Film en ligne - complet Film North - North Film T�l�chargement - North en ligne - North T�l�chargement - T�l�chargement North Film - Regarder North en ligne - North en ligne - North complet Film - Regarder North Film en ligne-North Film Regarder en ligne - North Film Stream - Regarder North Film en ligne - North Film en ligne - Comedy- Drama- Fantasy- Science Fiction- Family- Film gratuit T�l�chargement - North complet Film en ligne - North en ligne - Comedy- Drama- Fantasy- Science Fiction- Family- Film gratuit T�l�chargement - North complet Film en ligne - .
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